ReportCaster API Components

The ReportCaster API is comprised of the following parts:

ReportCaster API. This is the most current, comprehensive ReportCaster API, which offers the full range of ReportCaster functionality including scheduling, log, Address Book, Report Library, and User Management capability for self-service users.

The ReportCaster API is fully upward compatible with the ReportCaster Bean, Servlet, and Subroutine APIs, and is partially backward compatible.

Functionally Stabilized ReportCaster Bean API. The ReportCaster Bean API released in Version 5 Release 2 allowed scheduling and log functionality. Though the Bean API calls are still supported, Information Builders recommends that you use the new ReportCaster API for full functionality in all new applications.

Functionally Stabilized ReportCaster Servlet API. The ReportCaster Servlet API.

For more information, see ReportCaster Servlet API.

Functionally Stabilized ReportCaster Subroutine API. The ReportCaster subroutine API.

For more information, see ReportCaster API Subroutines.