Running a Managed Reporting Standard Report

The following name-value pairs are used to run a Managed Reporting Standard Report.

Request Parameter





Required. Used to invoke the run action for reports created in the Report Assistant and Graph Assistant tools.



Required. Used to specify the report type to be run from the Managed Reporting repository.


directory/ standardreport name.fex

Required. Used to locate the standard report in the Managed Reporting Repository. For example, app/test.fex.


HREF of Standard Report Group Folder

Required. The Group Folder HREF is usually in the form of the domain HREF followed by a pound sign (#) and a twelve character folder name. For example, #testk1am7s3i.


The domain HREF in which the report being processed is stored.


The domain HREF is usually in the form of an eight character domain directory name, a slash, and an eight character domain file name followed by an extension (for example, domainon/domainon.htm or untitled/untitled.htm).


A random number.

Required. Used to prevent caching.


Valid values are XML and MRCGI.

Optional. Used to specify the format of the result set. The default is MRCGI.

Example: Running a Standard Report Usage
String cgiLocation = 
//Obtain a random number
double random =Math.floor((Math.random()*100000));
//Convert double into a String
String rdm = Double.toString(random);
//Create a request and response object
WFApplicationRequest workerReq = new WFApplicationRequest();
WFResponse workerResp = new WFServletResponse( response );
//Instantiate the WFServletVariableTableExtension to add name/value pairs
to the request
WFServletVariableTableExtension wfSVTExtension = new 
WFServletVariableTableExtension( request, application );
//Sign-on to Managed Reporting
workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_action", "MR_SIGNON" );
workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_user", "admin" );
workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_pass", "admin" );
workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_returntype", "XML" );
WFWorkerUtil.processRequest( cgiLocation, workerReq, workerResp, 
wfSVTExtension, null ,null, null );
//Reinitialize the request with the previous response cookies and obtain 
all MR Domains
workerReq.Initialize( workerResp.getCookies() );
workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_action", "MR_RUN_FEX" );
workerReq.addParameter("IBIMR_sub_action", "MR_STD_REPORT");
workerReq.addParameter("IBIMR_fex", "app/test.fex");
workerReq.addParameter("IBIMR_folder", "#testk1am7s3i");
workerReq.addParameter("IBIMR_domain", "untitled/untitled.htm");
workerReq.addParameter("IBIMR_random", rdm); 
//workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_returntype", "XML" );
WFWorkerUtil.processRequest( cgiLocation, workerReq, workerResp, 
wfSVTExtension, null ,null, null );