Running a WebFOCUS Server Procedure

You can use the WebFOCUS API to execute an ad hoc request or stored procedure. The following table lists the name-value pairs required for executing an ad hoc report or stored procedure with a brief description of functionality.

Request Parameter




A valid WebFOCUS request

Used to execute a report procedure typed directly on an HTML form within a self-service application.


A valid stored procedure

Used to execute a report procedure stored on the file system of the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.

Note: IBIF_focexec is a synonym for IBIF_ex.


Parameter name and its value

Required, if the report procedure contains amper variables. Used to contain the parameters and their values submitted using an HTML form. Optionally, developers can set the parameter IBIF_wfdescribe to XMLRUN and automatically prompt for parameter values.


The application directory in which the procedure is located

Required. Used to locate the target procedure.


Format of the result set

Optional. Valid values include XML and HTML (default).

Example: Running a WebFOCUS Server Procedure
String cgiLocation = 
    WFServletVariableTableExtension wfSVTExtension = new 
WFServletVariableTableExtension( request, application );
    WFApplicationRequest workerReq = new WFApplicationRequest();
    WFResponse workerResp = new WFServletResponse( response );
    workerReq.addParameter( "IBIF_ex", "carinst" );
    workerReq.addParameter( "IBIAPP_app", "ibisamp" );
    WFWorkerUtil.processRequest( cgiLocation, workerReq, workerResp, 
wfSVTExtension, null ,null, null );