Managed Reporting Authentication

Managed Reporting requires that users be authenticated to access any information in its repository. After a successful sign-on, Managed Reporting stores the encrypted credentials in the MR_COOKIE, which is available throughout the browser session or until the cookie expires.

Note: If the application will authenticate users against an external repository, please refer to the Managed Reporting Realm Drive Javadoc accessible using the URL http://localhost/ibi_html/javadoc/wfapi/realm/index.html.

The following name-value pairs are used to authenticate against the Managed Reporting Repository.

Request Parameter





Required. Used to invoke the Managed Reporting sign-on action against the Managed Reporting repository.


Managed Reporting user ID

Required. A string containing a valid Managed Reporting user ID.


Managed Reporting password

Optional. A string containing a valid Managed Reporting password. If there is no password associated with the user ID specified, do not use this request parameter.


Result format

Optional. The default format for Managed Reporting request results is MRCGI. To retrieve an XML result set, you can specify XML as the value.

Example: Managed Reporting Authentication Usage
//Obtain the path to ibiweb.cfg
String cgiLocation = 
//Create a request and response object 
WFApplicationRequest workerReq = new WFApplicationRequest();
WFResponse workerResp = new WFServletResponse( response );
//Instantiate the WFServletVariableTableExtension to add name/value pairs
to the request
WFServletVariableTableExtension wfSVTExtension = new 
WFServletVariableTableExtension( request, application );
//Sign-on to Managed Reporting
workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_action", "MR_SIGNON" );
workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_user", "admin" );
workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_pass", "admin" );
workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_returntype", "XML" );
WFWorkerUtil.processRequest( cgiLocation, workerReq, workerResp, 
wfSVTExtension, null ,null, null );

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Example: Managed Reporting Authentication Sample Output
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<ibwfrpc name="MR_SIGNON">