Applying a Table of Contents and Bookmarks


Describes how to create a Table of Contents page and how to use bookmarking to show specific reference points in your document.

You may generate a Table of Contents (TOC) page in the Document Composer that shows a summary of the contents of the document, along with page numbers, and can be printed with the document. The entries can link to any component of the compound output (page, report, or graph) and vertical sort field values (BY field values) within each component report. The entries in the Table of Contents enable you to easily navigate to a particular section while viewing the document online.

When creating a compound layout report or a coordinated compound report in the Document Composer, you can enable bookmarks available in Adobe® Acrobat® for PDF formatted reports. Bookmarking uses the Table of Contents descriptions, and the Table of Contents page and levels, to show specific reference points in the compound document.