LDAP Settings

ReportCaster self-service users can be configured to be authenticated and authorized against an LDAP data source, bypassing the ReportCaster Repository. Additionally, ReportCaster can be enabled to retrieve e-mail address information from an LDAP data source. The leading mail server software vendors use LDAP for storage of e-mail information. This includes Active Directory on Windows platforms.

The LDAP Setting tab in the ReportCaster Server Configuration tool contains the following folders (in bold) and settings.

Note: To test your LDAP connection, right‑click the General Setting folder and select Test from the pop up options.


Default Value

Descriptions and Possible Values

General Setting


Default value is OFF.

Indicates whether SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is used to communicate with the LDAP server.


There is no default value.

Host name or IP address of your LDAP directory server.


Default value is 389.

Port on which the directory server listens.

LDAP Search Base

There is no default value.

Is the filter for LDAP searches. Only the subtree below the search base is available for LDAP queries. For example, dc=ibi, dc=com.


Default value is Active_Directory.

Possible values are:

  • Active_Directory
  • Custom
  • Netscape

Search Time Out

Default value is 120.

Time, in seconds, that ReportCaster can search an LDAP data source before timing out.

Security Principal

Default value is guest.

Service account of the user performing authentication. The user must have sufficient access rights to locate user entries in the directory.

When you click the following icon security principal, the Security Principal/Credential dialog box opens, where you can type the Security Credential.

LDAP Email Setting

Email LDAP Enabled

Default value is NO.

Indicates whether or not ReportCaster is enabled to retrieve e-mail address information from an LDAP data source.

Email Map

Default value is mail.

Attribute type for e-mail entries.

Email User Filter

Default value provided is dependent on the LDAP Type selected.

Filter for e-mail entries to be retrieved. For example, (& (mailnickname=*) (|(&(objectCategory=person) (objectClass=user)(!(homeMDB=*)) (!(msExchHomeServerName=*))) (&(objectCategory=person) (objectClass=user)(|(homeMDB=*) (msExchHomeServerName=*))) (&(objectCategory=person) (objectClass=contact)) (objectCategory=group) (objectCategory=publicFolder)))

FirstName Map

Default value is givenName.

Attribute for first name entries.

LastName Map

Default value is sn.

Attribute for last name entries.

LDAP User Info Setting

LDAP User Enabled

Default value is NO.

Indicates whether LDAP is enabled for standalone applications.

User Filter

There is no default value.

Filter for user IDs to be retrieved.

User Map

There is no default value.

Attribute type for user IDs.
