Overflow Property

The Overflow property determines how much of an HTML Object or HTML Table appears to an end user. By default, the entire contents of the HTML Object or HTML Table appear on the form. However, if you want to ensure that the HTML Object or HTML Table will never be larger than a certain size, then change the Overflow property to Clip or Scroll.

For example, you would do this if there was information underneath or directly beside the HTML Object or HTML Table and you wanted to ensure that the HTML Object or HTML Table would not overlap the information.

Note: In an HTML Table, the headers will scroll too.

Applies to: HTML Objects, HTML Tables.

Setting dynamically:

Winform Set form.HTMLcontrol.OVERFLOW TO n;

Property Settings:

0 - Visible

Displays all data in an HTML Object or HTML Table (the default). The HTML Table will be as wide and as long as necessary in order to display everything.

1 - Clip

Restricts the data to the length of the control as you drew it. Any rows that don't fit are not displayed.

2 - Scroll

Restricts the visible data to what fits into the control as you drew it, but places scroll bars on the control (if necessary) so that the end user can view all of the data.