Using the Format Tab in InfoAssist Video

Hello, this video introduces the Format Tab. The Format Tab provides options for selecting output formats and other reporting features. The Output Types and Destination groups apply to both reports and charts. For reports only, the Format group provides access to the Navigation and Features groups. For charts only, the Format group provides access to the Chart Types, Features and Labels groups.  

Highlight the Format Tab and ribbon.

You can use the Output Types group to create output from a list of supported formats, including HTML and Flash formats.

Highlight the Output Types group.

You can use the Destination group to toggle between creating a report or chart, and to create an InfoMini application. Select the InfoMini button to create an InfoMini application. Selecting Report or Chart determines whether report-specific or chart-specific functionality is available in the InfoAssist tool.

Highlight the Destination group.

Highlight the InfoMini button.

For reports only, you can use the Navigation group to select options that affect output display and navigation. Table is selected by default and generates standard WebFOCUS browser output. When you select Table of Contents and then run the report, a table of contents icon appears on the report. When you click this icon, a menu opens and you can select individual values of the first sort field, one value at a time. When you select Freeze, the column titles in the report remain in view when you scroll through pages of the report output. 

Highlight the Navigation group.

Highlight the Table button.

Highlight the Table of Contents button, then the icon on the report.

Highlight the Freeze button.

Selecting Pages on Demand when you run the report opens the WebFOCUS Viewer where you can view one page of output at a time. Select Auto Drill & Analysis to generate output that invokes OLAP processing.

Highlight Pages on Demand button.

Highlight Auto Drill & Analysis button.

Also for reports only, the Features group offers specialized reporting features. When you select Title Popup, pop-up titles appear when the mouse pointer rests on a column title in the report output. Select Accordion to create expandable views of data for each vertical sort field. This option displays data values only for the first vertical sort field when you first view the output.

Highlight Features group.

Highlight Title Popup button.

Highlight Accordion button.  

Select Repeat Sort Value to display all repeated sort values in the output, instead of blanks after the first instance of a new sort value. Select Stack Measures to display all numeric measure field names in a column of the report output with the corresponding numeric data values displayed.

Highlight Repeat Sort Value button.

Highlight Stack Measures button.

The next three groups shown will be for charts only. You can use the Chart Types group to select the most commonly used chart types. You can also select the Other button to select additional chart types.

Highlight Chart Types group.

Click Line Chart then Run.

Highlight Other button.

The Features group for charts provides custom chart features. Select 3D Effect to set the three-dimensional view to on or off. It is set to on right now. Select Rotate to toggle between a vertical display and a horizontal display of a chart. Select Reference to open a drop-down menu that adds a reference line to the x or y axis, where you can set a specific reference value, add text, and position the reference line. We will add a reference line to the Y axis so the line shows horizontally.

Highlight 3D Effect button.

Highlight Rotate button.

Highlight Reference button. (Must be in bar or line chart to show)

Select Annotate to open a drop-down menu that provides the Add an annotation option. This option opens the Annotation dialog box, where you can type the desired text and position for the annotation. Select Grid Lines to open a drop-down menu that provides options to add O1 and Y1 Minor Guidelines to the Major Guidelines that are already displayed on the chart.

Highlight Annotate button.

Highlight Grid Lines button.

The Labels group contains the Axes and Legend buttons. Select the Axes button to toggle and select different labels for your document. Notice how toggling with the 01 axis removes the label. Select the Legend button to toggle between showing or hiding the legend, as well as adjusting legend position and legend orientation.

Highlight Labels group.

Highlight the Axes button.

Highlight the Legend button.