Getting a List of Domains for a Particular User

The following name-value pairs can be used to retrieve a list of Domains for a user.

Request Parameter





Required. Used to invoke the action to retrieve the domains from the Managed Reporting Repository. Before retrieving a list of domains valid MR credentials with administrative rights must be provided.


Valid values are XML and MRCGI.

Optional. Used to specify the format of the result set. The default is MRCGI.

Example: Usage for Getting a List of Domains by User
//Obtain the path to ibiweb.cfg
    String cgiLocation = 
    String contextroot = application.getInitParameter("webfocus_path");
   //Create a request and response object 
    WFApplicationRequest workerReq = new WFApplicationRequest();
    WFResponse workerResp = new WFServletResponse( response );
    //Instantiate the WFServletVariableTableExtension to add name/value 
pairs to the request
    WFServletVariableTableExtension wfSVTExtension = new 
WFServletVariableTableExtension( request, application );
    //Sign-on to Managed Reporting
    workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_action", "MR_SIGNON" );
    workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_user", "admin" );
    workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_pass", "admin" );
    workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_returntype", "XML" );
    WFWorkerUtil.processRequest( cgiLocation, workerReq, workerResp, 
wfSVTExtension, null ,null, null );
    //Reinitialize the request with the previous response cookies and 
obtain all MR Domains
    workerReq.Initialize( workerResp.getCookies() );
    workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_action", "MR_GET_USER_DOMAINS" );
    workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_returntype", "XML" );
    WFWorkerUtil.processRequest( cgiLocation, workerReq, workerResp, 
wfSVTExtension, null ,null, null );

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Example: Getting a List of Domains by User Sample Output
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<ibwfrpc name="MR_GET_USER_DOMAINS">
<CURRENT_USER flgs="admin,advanced,dataserver,savemyreport," 
href="admin.htm" name="admin" desc="Default Administrator" 
<MR_GET_USER_DOMAINS flgs="admin,advanced,dataserver,savemyreport," 
href="admin.htm" name="admin" desc="Default Administrator" 
<HREF href="untitled/untitled.htm" desc="default domain"/>