Maintaining a Schedule Using the HTML User Interface


The ReportCaster Interface, accessed from either Dashboard (select Tools, then ReportCaster) or the WebFOCUS Welcome Page (ReportCaster Development), provides the same functionality as the ReportCaster HTML User Interface with a different look and feel. This section explains the options and features of maintaing a schedule from the ReportCaster HTML User Interface perspective, but can be used to work with the current ReportCaster Interface.

Both interfaces provides access to your existing schedules and allows you to edit the properties of a schedule, clone a schedule, delete a schedule, or run a log report to obtain information about a schedule. Additionally, you can purge log records to conserve space in the log file, view the dates on which you cannot run or set schedules to run, check the status of your scheduled jobs, and create, update, and delete your Execution IDs.