Using the Report Library From the Applet


When you create a schedule, you have the option to distribute the scheduled output to the ReportCaster Report Library, a storage and retrieval facility. The output (content) must be stored in an SQL repository (for example, SQL Server, Oracle, or DB2). The Report Library can contain any output that is distributed by ReportCaster (WF Server Procedures, Standard Reports, My Reports, files, and the contents of URLs). When distributing scheduled output to the Report Library, you can send an e-mail informing recipients of its availability and the link to the content in the library.

The Report Library includes secure access to library content, the ability to save multiple versions of the same output, and the ability to set an expiration date or keep a specified number of versions. The Report Library is available only to ReportCaster users who have been granted access to the library (for details, see Accessing ReportCaster and Enabling User Capabilities in the Applet).