Starting Flows With Your Own API Program

You can write a program that invokes a flow from a remote platform. See the iWay API Reference manual for details on your platform and desired calling language.

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Example: Writing a Command Sequence

In this example, the error logic performed after EDAACCEPT will depend on values returned by CMASAP to your program. There are two scb values that need to be reviewed:

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Example: C Program for Starting Flows Remotely

The following is a sample C program for starting flows remotely.

Note: You must enhance this code as necessary to reflect production requirements.

// Run specified request
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define EDA_TYPES
#define LINT_ARGS
#include "eda.h"
// chk_status - check status code in scb. if non-zero
//              print out last command and status code
static long chk_status(EDA_SCB *scb_p,long status)
   char command[12];
   status = scb_p->status;  // add processing to decode status codes here
   if (status != 0)
    {strncpy(command, scb_p->command,12); command[12]='\0';
     printf("\n%s (%5ld) %s",command,status);
void main()
   EDA_ID   *eid_p, eid;   // Pointer and EDA ID for this application.
   EDA_SCB  *scb_p, scb;   // Pointer and Session Control Block.
   long     status;        // Status return codes from API
   char     msg[3];        // EDA message origin
   char     server[]   = "SERVER";          // Replace with your server
   char     userid[]   = "USERID";          //                   userid
   char     password[] = "PASSWORD";        //                   password
   char     rpcname[]  = "CMASAP";          // Leave as CMASAP
   char     request[]  = "REQ_NAME=TESTING"; // Replace with request name
   long     s_len, p_len, u_len, c_len, r_len;   // length of strings
   long     id, wait, zero = 0L;               // EDAWAIT, TEST parms
   eid_p = &eid; scb_p = &scb;                 // point to EDA structures
   // Get lengths of all the parms
   s_len = strlen(server);
   u_len = strlen(userid);
   p_len = strlen(password);
   c_len = strlen(rpcname);
   r_len = strlen(request);
   // Initialize EDA
   EDAINIT(eid_p, &status);
   if (status != 0) {printf("EDAINIT    (%5ld)",status); return;}
   // Connect to Server
   EDACONNECT(eid_p, scb_p, userid,&u_len, password,&p_len, 
   if (chk_status(scb_p,status) != 0) {EDATERM(eid_p, &status); return;}
   // Invoke RPC
   EDARPC(scb_p, rpcname, &c_len, request, &r_len);
   if (chk_status(scb_p,status) != 0) {EDATERM(eid_p, &status); return;}
      EDATEST(scb_p,&wait);               // Eject Messages
   if (chk_status(scb_p,status) != 0) {EDATERM(eid_p, &status); return;}
   // Check for messages
   if (scb_p->msg_type)              // Are there any messages?
   {if (scb_p->msg_code)             // Is it really a message
    {strncpy(msg,scb_p->msg_org,3);  // First 3 chars (ie: EDA) are clean
     msg[3]='\0';                    // Null terminate
     printf("\n%s (%4ld) ",msg, scb_p->msg_code);
     printf("%s", scb_p->msg_text);       
    while (scb_p->msg_pending)         // Any more messages?
     {EDAACCEPT (scb_p);               // Pull them out 
      if (scb_p->msg_code)             // Are they really messages?
       {strncpy(msg,scb_p->msg_org,3); msg[3]='\0'; 
        printf("\n%s (%4ld) ",msg, scb_p->msg_code);
        printf("%s", scb_p->msg_text);
       if (scb_p->msg_code == 18762)      // See if we're done
         printf("Job submitted.\n");
   // Terminate connection 
   EDATERM(eid_p, &status);

iWay Software