Today Page

In this section:

The Today page provides consumers with a consistent way to navigate through Scorecards and Content. The following image shows the Today page with a sample dashboard.

Today Page

The menu for the Today page is accessed using the dashboard icon Dashboard icon, which is located in the upper-left corner of the page. Clicking this icon opens the drawer, which provides you with access to filters, content, and editing, as shown in the following image. You can use the Content list to change the type of view displayed on your dashboard.


Any changes to Scorecards or Content propagate instantly and display in the main window. PMF also automatically keeps track of the Scorecard or Content selected and will make those selections your default view.

There are several views available for display on the Today page. The administrator sets up the display you desire for your Today page. You can change your default page at any time by selecting different content.

As an administrator, you can set up launch pages for your user from the Manage page.

Changing Dashboard Gadgets and Preferences

How to:

PMF displays gadgets and stores Dashboards for each user. PMF Owners, including consumers and analysts, can configure their gadgets to display the exact metrics they want to see from any of their scorecards. PMF enables owners to interactively view and personalize the metrics displayed on a dashboard, and PMF saves the preferences for each user as they use PMF.

For consumers and analysts, a separate Gadget Preferences icon exists for each of the gadgets displayed on a dashboard. These gadgets display performance trend data that you can monitor daily. Each gadget has a Gadget Preferences icon that enables you to change the values being used to display the data for that gadget.

The following four icons are available in the upper-right corner of each gadget:

Note: These four icons are removed from the view when you click anywhere outside the gadget.

Procedure: How to Change the Display of Your Dashboard

  1. From your Today page, click the dashboard icon Menu icon.

    The drawer opens.

  2. Select a different dashboard view by clicking Content and then clicking Today to see the list of dashboards available.
  3. Select the desired dashboard from the list available. The previous view of your dashboard is replaced with the selected view.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To reset the dashboard to its default preferences, click the Reset dashboard icon Reset dashboard icon.
    • To add a dashboard, click the Add Dashboard icon Add Dashboard icon.
    • To edit the dashboard, click the Edit Dashboard icon Edit Dashboard icon.
    For more information, see Working with Dashboards.

Procedure: How to Change Your Gadget Preferences

  1. Select any of the gadgets displayed on your dashboard, then click the Gadget Preferences icon Gadget Preferences icon, which is located in the upper-right corner of the gadget.

    The drawer shows the available groupings and filters for the gadget. Metrics that are currently displayed in the gadget are highlighted, as shown in the following image.

    Highlighted metrics
  2. To change values, select or clear the metrics that will be shown in the gadget. The highlighted items indicate that they have been selected.

    Depending on how the selected gadget was designed, you can change preferences using any of the available metrics, which can include Groupings and one or more Filters.

  3. The changes are saved automatically and displayed immediately. If you refresh the page or sign out and sign back in to PMF, the modified gadget continues to display your changed preferences.

    Note: You can click the Reset Dashboard icon Reset Dashboard icon to restore the previous gadget settings.

    For more information on how to change metrics for multiple gadgets on a dashboard, see How to Change Multiple Gadgets in a Broadcast Group.

  4. Click the Close icon Close icon to exit the gadget preferences mode and save your changes.