Project Views

In this section:

The following topics describe and show details of the available project-related views. A project supports an objective, and has a start and end date. Project views measure the impact of projects on aligned objectives and identify the status of budgets and schedules.

Projects - Objectives

To access this view, click the dashboard icon Dashboard icon on the Today page. Click Content, select Projects & Processes, and then click Projects - Objectives. This view provides a summary of all projects related to your scorecard and displays objective performance for each project, as shown in the following image.

Project Objectives view

The Projects - Objectives view provides hyperlinked metrics in the Project and Objective columns. To probe deeper into the metrics listed in the Project column, click a hyperlink and select the desired option. To display related data for an objective, click an Objective hyperlink and select the desired option.

Project Impact

To run a Project Impact view, click the dashboard icon Dashboard icon on the Today page. Click Content, select Projects & Processes, and then click Project Impact. Another way to run this view is to click a project drill-down hyperlink, for example, in the Project Summary or Scorecard Projects view, and select Project Impact. The Impact of Projects on Objectives view opens, as shown in the following image. This view provides a way to measure the impact of projects on aligned objectives.

Project Impact view

For all projects listed in the view, visual indicators show the percentages for project completed and budget spent to see if the project is actually supporting the related objective or not. Percentages are also shown for each objective for each time period in the view to indicate if the objective is accomplishing its goal or not.

The Project Impact view displays aligned and unaligned projects as entered in PMF against their aligned goals in a time line view. The time line displays the immediate or gradual impact of the project on its aligned goals. You can use this view to demonstrate:

Project managers can also use this view to determine the disposition of a project.

The Project Impact view displays hyperlinked metrics in the Objective/Project column. To probe deeper into the metrics listed in the Objective/Project column, click a hyperlink and select the desired option. For more information, see Objective Drill-Down Options.

Project Detail

When you click a project drill-down hyperlink (for example, Optimizing Margins in the Project Summary or Scorecard Projects view) and you select Project Detail, the drill down takes you to Project Detail, as shown in the following image.

Project Detail view

Project Detail shows the overall health of a project, listing budget targets versus actual spending, and schedule targets versus actual schedules. It combines the target budget versus actual budget, and target schedule versus actual schedule, to determine an overall Project Health metric. It draws an indicator for each time break to show the project schedule and budget health at various points in time.

It also shows any tasks that are assigned to that project, including task feedback, status, and due date.

The Project Detail report provides hyperlinked metrics in the Project and Task columns. To probe deeper into the metrics listed in these columns, click a hyperlink and select the desired option. Drilling down on a Task link will allow you to view task details, as well as edit the selected task.

Aligned Projects

When you click a drill-down hyperlink, for example, in the Strategy Relationships view, and select Aligned Projects, the drill down takes you to the Scorecard Aligned Projects by Objective view, as shown in the following image. This view shows the aligned projects for the selected objective.

Aligned Projects view

To access this view for all of the objectives in a scorecard, click the dashboard icon Dashboard icon on the Today page. Click Content, select Projects & Processes, and then select Projects Summary from the list.

The Aligned Projects view displays the status of a project and demonstrates its impact on the aligned objectives.

It provides hyperlinked metrics in the Objective and Project columns.

To display related data for an objective, click an Objective hyperlink and select the desired option. For more information, see Objective Drill-Down Options.

To probe deeper into the metrics listed in the Project column, click a hyperlink and select the desired option. For more information, see Project Drill-Down Options.