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PMF supports a central style sheet model for all aspects of views, reports, and the application User Interface. Using the Look panel, you can use global settings to allow all views, gadgets, and charts to be formatted as you desire. The global settings allow you to select:
PMF includes chart and graph styles that allow you to automatically select a look for every chart and graph in the system (all content that maps to a WebFOCUS graph from PMF content). All charts in the system are written to allow template styling. You can also define custom charting color schemes using the Look panel.
A section of the Look settings control the look and style of the user interface through different indicators, HTML style sheets, graph palettes, and WebFOCUS StyleSheet settings. An example of this is shown in the following image.
You can create new skins to follow any corporate standards without adversely affecting the operation of PMF.
Note: For more information on the default settings you can view and change on the Look panel, see Look Settings.
How to: |
The PMF style swatching system allows you to generate a color swatch for PMF, WebFOCUS content, and the WebFOCUS BI Portal, that give a consistent style to match the official style of your organization or your group preferences.
The swatch file can come from using the WebFOCUS Branding portal, or you can design your own styling in a few moments with the PMF dynamic styling panel. Once you have a style designed, you can apply it across an entire PMF tenant in seconds. PMF picks up the new style and applies it across the entire system.
The Look settings panel opens.
The Look settings panel has the following options:
A confirmation box opens.
You can save the current state of the swatch as you are editing it by clicking Save. You can save the current settings under a new name by clicking Save As.
For more information on the swatching system, see Look Settings.
You can control whether PMF applies a color gradient to charts. Disabling the gradients allows you to apply a flat look to charts.
To disable or enable chart gradients:
The Look settings panel opens.
How to: |
The PMF User Interface and content fonts can be customized to more closely match the visual style of your organization.
Before you start, you will need:
html * { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important; }
html * { font-family: Neo Sans Std, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important; }
.baseFont { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important; font-size: 10pt; }
.baseFont { font-family: Neo Sans Std, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important; font-size: 10pt; }
The Look panel opens, as shown in the following image.
The PMF UI and all online content, except for server delivered PDF, Excel, and PowerPoint content, should now display using your desired font, as shown in the following image.