Inputting User-Entered Dimensions

How to:


User-entered dimensions enable users to create and use dimensions in PMF before loadable dimension data is available. Similar to user-entered measures, once a user-entered dimension is defined values can be immediately typed directly into PMF for your dimensions.

User-entered dimensions are useful when you need to rapidly prototype new engagements with PMF. Since these values are linked to measures through internal keys, they are not suitable for production environments.

Limitations of User-Entered Dimensions

Procedure: How to Create a New User-Entered Dimension

  1. In the Manage page, click the Dimensions panel button.
  2. Click New.

    The New Dimension panel opens.

  3. Type a name for the new dimension and select Entered by Users from the drop-down menu, as shown in the following image.
    New Dimension panel

    You can create a structure in the Hierarchy & Data tab by entering Level names in the fields provided.

Procedure: How to Edit Level Values on a User-Entered Dimension

  1. In the Manage page in PMF, click the Dimensions panel button.
  2. Select the user-entered dimension you wish to edit.

    The Edit Dimension panel opens.

  3. Select Enter Dimension Values.

    Note that each column in the editor corresponds to a level, as defined in the dimension panel. You can type the level values in each text box, as shown in the following image.

    Dimension Values

Reference: Work with Hierarchies

The Enter Dimension Values tab from the Edit Dimension editor allows you to add values to the dimension at any level.

  • To add a level value at a peer level. Click the add icon to the left of an existing level value. The editor will create a new level value below the existing one. New peer levels were created under London and East, as shown in the following image.
    Dimension Values
  • To remove a level value at a peer level. Click the remove icon to the right of an existing value. The entire hierarchy section of that value will be removed. For example, the following image shows a hierarchy in levels.
    Dimension Values

    Removing the values of UK result in that entire section of hierarchy getting removed, as shown in the following image.

    Dimension Values
  • Displaying all logical values. Click Show All to temporarily display all of the level values in the hierarchy, as shown in the following image.
    Dimension Values