How to: |
You can specify how Percent Reached should be calculated for Descending Measures with targets that are very small or set at zero. This is also useful if you are viewing negative values for Percent Reached.
The Edit Measure panel opens, as shown in the following image.
Tip: The Basis Value can be set by analyzing the extent of your Actuals. For example, if your Target is set to zero, the median of your Actual values is 12, and the extent is 30, you can use 12f, since it is the median value. You can also do a Pareto analysis and decide that 80% of your measures should have positive Percent Reached. If you never want to see a negative Percent Reached, you should set the Basis to the extent of your values. Any Actual values that are precisely at the Basis will show a zero Percent Reached.