PMF gives you a lot of flexibility in dealing with measurements.
It supports quick one-off measurements you might add when prototyping
a new scorecard, and it also allows you to design deeply loaded
measures that span multiple time periods.
PMF supports measure pooling, which enables you to create measures
independent of specific scorecards. You can create a measure and
link it to every scorecard in your organization, or unlink a measure
and hold it for later use. Linked measures are controlled by data
access security, which allows users to view only measures to which
they have been granted access (for example, through an optional
Organization dimension).
There are two types of measures in PMF:
Loaded measures are
multi-dimensional production measures designed to change over time.
You can load them regularly from external data sources into PMF.
They can be fully commented and can support the robust multi-dimensional cascading
model of the product. You can view the production measures for your scorecard
in several ways from the Author and Manage tabs. For more information,
see Loading Production Measures.
User-entered measures enable
users to manually input measures and their targets when doing so
is either desirable or the metrics are not available in a data source.
These measures are also multi-dimensional production measures designed
to change over time. To view or edit existing user-entered measures
for your scorecard, click the Measures panel
button in the Author or Manage tab, and in the tree structure that
appears, select the desired measure in the User Entered Measures
folder. To create a new user-entered measure, click the Measures panel
button in the Author or Manage tab, and click the New button
to open the New Measure Wizard. For more information, see Working with User-Entered Measures.