There are several ways to create Scorecards in PMF. Choose one of the following methods depending on your needs:
To open the New Scorecard Wizard, click Scorecards in the left pane of the Author tab, and select the Wizard button.
To open the New Scorecard form and access the cascade function, click Scorecards in the left pane of the Author tab, and select the New button. Provide the new scorecard with a name, select the scorecard you want to copy from the Parent Scorecard drop-down list, select the Cascade Scorecard check box, and click Save to complete the cascading operation.
After the scorecard cascading is complete, you can change the parent child relationship of the scorecard you created, which effectively removes the cascade and disconnects the parent and child scorecards from each other. You can also change other aspects of the scorecard including the objectives, perspectives, metrics, projects, processes, and cause and effect linkages.