QA Service (com.ibi.agents.XDQAAgent)




This service emits a flattened copy of the input document to a file named in the init() parameters. The service outputs the document (XML or flat) in QA, ondebug, or always modes, depending on the configuration setting of the When parameter. If the QA mode is not enabled (in the Diagnostic System Properties Console Configuration page or by using the set command) and the always option is not set, then this service functions as a move service. This service is designed to work as a chained service for debugging purposes. The document and all special registers are included in the output.

The QA mode for iSM can be set by executing the following command to enable the QA mode for the configuration:

set qa on [-save]

To deactivate the QA mode, execute the following command:

set qa off [-save]

The QA mode must be enabled for the iSM configuration you are using in order for the QA service to output documents when set to QA mode.

To enable the QA service to output documents on debug, set the iSM debug special register to true. To deactivate the debug mode, set the debug special register to false.




Where *

File pattern to receive trace file.


Determines when to emit the information. Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:

  • qa (default)
  • always
  • ondebug


Identifier name to mark emitted trace document.

Emit input

Location (file pattern} to which to emit actual input document. If omitted or empty, the incoming document is not emitted.

Base64 Decode

If set to true, the value is assumed to be in base64 notation. Only applicable when a specific write value is specified.

Starting Offset

If set, this value represents the starting offset within the data block to start the dump.

Maximum Length

If set, this value represents the total number of bytes to dump. If not set, the dump starts from the value specified for the Starting Offset parameter to the end of the buffer.

iWay Software