About iWay Trading Partner Manager

iWay Trading Partner Manager (TPM) provides a centralized repository to manage trading partner information and their relationships. iWay TPM provides an intuitive web console where trading partner related information can be viewed and managed. Supported trading partner information types include:

The centralized trading partner repository enables you to store and update partner information without interfering with a business process.

Trading partner information can be accessed at any point by the iWay Service Manager (iSM) channel that is processing the transaction. The partner-related information is accessed through a set of iWay TPM runtime functions, which follow the standards of iWay Functional Language (iFL). The dynamic lookup for partner information allows partner-specific processing of messages by a non-partner specific configuration. iWay TPM function calls enable a business channel to receive multiple documents from various partners. This dynamically determines the inbound and outbound partners based on the message information and route the message to a proper system.

The following diagram illustrates the relationships between the various iWay TPM components.

iWay Software