
Command names, keywords and switches can be abbreviated to a minimum recognition, and are case insensitive. Items like channel names and flow names cannot be abbreviated, and are case sensitive. A node name can be abbreviated to an unambiguous prefix. It will be resolved among the nodes of the flow. Node names are case sensitive, but the case can often be ignored because of node name resolution.

If an item name contains a space or a special character, it must be quoted with single or double quote characters, like 'this' or "that". Lines beginning with # are considered comments and are ignored.

Tokens to be replaced are shown in <brackets>. Square brackets denote [optional] operands.Alternatives are separated with |.

The following table lists the replaceable tokens used in the syntax and their meaning:




The name of a channel. For example:





The name of a debugger command.


An integer.


An integer.


The name of a single edge. For example: OnSuccess, or fail_connect.


A comma-separated list of one of more edges. For example: OnSuccess; or fail_redirection,303.


An iFL expression. The debugger does not parse that part of the command. For example: _XPATH(/INVOICE/INVOICE-NUMBER/DOC)=='555'


The path to a file.


A breakpoint id of the form bNNNN, a watchpoint id of the form wNNNN, or a thread id of the form tNNNN, where NNNN is an integer.


The immediate data for an input document. The debugger does not parse that part of the command. For example: <root/>


The name of a node in the process flow as defined in iIT. The name can be abbreviated to a non-ambiguous prefix, and can be entered case insensitive. For example, "Node1" can be entered as "n" if there are no other nodes beginning with the letter "n". You will be alerted if the debugger detects ambiguity. If the entered name contains special characters (for example, a space as in "Node One"), then you must enclose the name in quotes.


An integer for the number of characters or bytes to skip from the beginning.


An integer for the maximum number of characters or bytes to process starting from the offset.


A special register name.


A pattern for a special register name. The character ? matches 1 character, and * matches 0 or more characters. For example: reg1 or ns.*


A special register scope, valid values are: channel, flow, global, local, manager, master, message, session, server, system, thread, or worker.


A command for the iSM command executor. The debugger does not parse that part of the command.


where to find the process flow source code. For system flows, the format is simply flowname. For flows deployed under a channel, the format is:


Without the flowname, it selects the flow from the default route. Notice that the channelname may contain colons internally. For example:



A thread id of the form tNNNN where NNNN is an integer, or a thread name of the form W.channelname.workernumber.flowname[.split] where split can be absent


A register type. Valid values are: cfg, doc, hdr, met, sys, or user. Header registers are used to configure headers according to the protocol of the emitter. For other uses, the recommended type is user.

iWay Software