Configuring Authentication for a Base Configuration Using a Properties File Realm

This section provides an example that demonstrates how authentication for the base configuration can be configured using a properties file realm. The properties file realm is the simplest authentication realm that iSM offers, and is intended for prototypes and demonstration, not production use. A role is created for users who have read-only access to the console, and define two users in the properties realm, an administrator, and a user with the read only role. The properties realm in iSM and the base configuration to use the realm for console authentication will then be configured.

  1. In the left console pane of the Deployments menu, select Server Roles, and then click Add to add a new role.
  2. Provide a name for the new role (for example, ReadOnly), and then click all the Read check boxes in the Configuration Specific Permissions section. Do not provide any other permissions, as shown in the following image.

    The properties realm uses a simple Java properties file to define users and their roles.

  3. Create the following text file:
  4. Save the properties file as

    This creates the following two users:

    The password for both users is password. For other types of realm, this step would be done differently, using whatever tools are appropriate for the system that backs the realm. For example, for an LDAP realm that uses Microsoft Active Directory, it would be necessary to work with user attributes in the directory.

  5. In the iSM Administration Console, create the authentication realm to use the properties file by clicking on Authentication Realms, under Providers, of the Server menu.
  6. Provide a name for the realm (for example, ConsolePropsRealm), its description, and the location of where the file is located, as shown in the following image.

  7. Edit the server configuration so that the console will use the realm for authentication by clicking on Management, Server Management, and selecting Servers.

    The following table lists and describes the properties of the base configuration.




    Authentication Realm


    Realm that was just created.

    Console Admin ID


    The admin user in the realm.

    Console Admin Password


    The password assigned to the admin user.

  8. Restart the base configuration and access the iSM Administration Console.

    When prompted, enter either Admin and password or User and password to log on to the console.

iWay Software