Understanding the Registration Class

The registration class instructs iWay Service Manager (iSM) where to locate your components within the. jar file (for example, com.xyz.agents.Agent1):

public void register (IComponentManager cm)
    cm.addExit("com.xyz.agents.Agent1", "FirstAgent");

The manifest of your .jar file points to the registration class, which is named Register and stored as com.xyz.myproject.Register. For example:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.5
Created-By: 24.79-b02 (Oracle Corporation)
Built-On: mycomputer October 28 2015 1116
Version: 1
Build: 1
Implementation-Version: 7.0.5
Name: IXTEComponentRegister: com.yourid.iwudpx.Register

The sample ANT build script applies a manifest to the .jar file, where the most important portion is the IXTEComponent section. iSM reads the manifest, uses this information to locate your registration class, and then executes the class to locate specific components.

The registration class identifies and locates the components (for example, agents, preparsers, iFL, and so on) for your project-specific development.

In addition to the .jar files you need to build your project, you must include the .jar files from the <ism_home>\lib directory such as iwcore.jar. By convention, all iWay-specific .jar files start with the letters iw.

iWay Software