
Also can be abbreviated ! per the common practice on some systems. The remainder of the command line is treated as an external command, and the server attempts to pass it to the operating system. The results of the attempt will depend upon the OS and the command.

Some operating systems do not support execution of internal commands such as dir or copy. Using the shell command, however, it is possible to use Windows internal commands through an invoked command shell. For example:

Enter command:>shell cmd /c dirVolume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is C0FE-5175
Directory of C:\iway7\config\base
02/22/2013  03:01 PM    <DIR>          .
02/22/2013  03:01 PM    <DIR>          ..
10/24/2012  03:19 PM    <DIR>          asyncOutSOAP1
02/22/2013  03:01 PM    <DIR>          backups
02/22/2013  03:01 PM            75,600 base.xml

iWay Software