Using Command Help

In addition to this documentation, the iSM command handler offers an abbreviated online help through the help command. The following example shows a partial command list. A complete list is available in iWay Service Manager Commands Reference or in documentation relating to specific iSM products, applications, or solutions.

Enter command:>help
Bam - Business Activity Monitor support command
calendar - Manage the Service Manager Calendar Provider's data.
Copy - Copy a file from source to target
cron - Manage the Service Manager Scheduler
(also see schedule command)
Enqueue - Enqueue a message to an internal or ordered queue
errors - List last errors
flow - Run a named and published process flow
help - Display help for commands. Use "help <command>..." or "help ifl..." for additional help 
info - Display channel information
line - Draw one or more lines on the console
quit - Exit the server
remote - Directs commands to a named configuration
run - Run a command file
schedule - Manage the Service Manager Scheduler (also see cron command)
set - Set a parameter 
shell - Attempt to run an operating system command
show - Display server information
spool - Record commands and responses in a spool file
start - Start one or more channels
stats - Run statistics on the current instance or listener
stop - Stop one or more channels 
tool - Run a named tool such as 'debugger'
version - Display product version and all later versioned jars

Additional help is available for most commands, for example:

Enter command:>help start
Starts one, several or all channels.
start <name | namelist> [switches]
name = a single name of a channel/listener or a protocol. Names can end with * for multiselection 
namelist = a list of channels/listeners or protocols in the form (one,two...) The special entry 'all' or '*' starts all listeners (non  protocol form)
-protocol = the names are interpreted as protocols for example to start inactive file channels start file -protocol -inactive
-pulse = attempt to start a pulsable protocol for a single access/poll operation
-active = (default) only active channels are started. A channels is only considered to be active when the channel has a green check in the column labeled Active in the iSM Deployments console. Active channels start with general startup such as when the server starts or via 'start all' requests.
-inactive = only inactive channels are started. A channels is considered to be inactive when there is a red 'x' in the column labeled Active in the iSM Deployments console. This allows channels to be reserved for special use.
-both = both active and inactive channels are started
-doflow = run the channel startup failure flow if the channel cannot start [note, you may want this when start is called from a script]
-noflow = do not run the channels startup failure flow (default)
Enter command:>

iWay Software