Installing, Deploying, and Running iWay Service Manager With Slider

This section describes how to install, deploy, and run iWay Service Manager (iSM) with Slider.

  1. If you have created the package on a machine outside the Hadoop cluster, copy the package to a node in the cluster where Slider is installed.

    Install the package from the command line. Slider will copy all the necessary files to the Hadoop file system. In this example, we install the package we created above and name the package IWAY7.

    slider package --install --name IWAY7 --package
  2. Create and start the application from the command line. Here, we name the application iway7_1 and use the default configuration template and resources file, which were extracted from the package. Note that these files specify that the created application will use the IWAY7 template, as shown in the examples above.
    slider create iway7_1 --template appConfig-default.json --resources resources-default.json

    In most cases, you should be sure to stop your standalone iSM application before starting the Slider application.

  3. Verify that the iway7_1 application has started using the Hadoop console. On the Running Applications page, you should see the application, as shown in the following image.

  4. Once the application is created, you can start and stop the application using the following commands:

    To start the application:

    slider start iway7_1

    To stop the application:

    slider stop iway7_1

    For more information about the Slider command, see:

  5. In the above example, our metainfo.xml file exported the host and port of the iSM console. We can find this value using Slider's ReSTful API and the Hadoop console. From the Running Applications page, click the Tracking UI link. This will bring you to the Application Master page, as shown in the following image.

    Follow the link for classpath:org.apache.slider.publisher.configurations and you will see a JSON response showing available ReSTful services:

                                            "description": … 

    To the URL you used above, append /servers, and you will see the JSON response:


    The value of host_port is the address of the iSM console for the application we started. For more information about the Slider ReST API, see:

iWay Software