Using the iWay SDK

This section demonstrates how to use the iWay SDK. A best practice is to copy the contents of the \build\configuration\iway configuration to a new configuration (for example, mynewconfig).

At this point, you should have a \build\configuration\mynewconfig directory with a default.propeties file. Open the file in a text editor. The top of the file should look something like the following:

# IIT Project Properties
# Name of IIT project found within the projects directory which contains
the application component
# Name of IIT application component found with the selected IIT project

Perform the following steps:

  1. Change the property called to equal the name of your iIT project.
  2. Modify the property called to the name of the application in the iIT project you want to build
  3. Copy the iIT project and its dependant projects (if any) to the following directory:
  4. Enter the following in the build directory:
    build BUILDAPP mynewconfig

    If your application does not have any errors or missing dependencies, there will be an .iia file created in the following directory:


The iWay SDK sample build process also offers prologues and epilogues for each of its build tasks. To demonstrate how to hook user written ANT tasks into the build process, refer to the following file:


This file contains tasks for each of the supported build tasks. For example:

<target name="buildapp_prologue" >
<echo>=============== user:buildapp_prologue</echo>
<target name="buildapp_epilogue" >
<echo>=============== user:buildapp_epilogue</echo>

With this file in place, these targets will execute before and after each selected task.

iWay Software