Regular Expression Functions

The following table lists and describes regular expression functions in iWay DQS.

Regular Expression Function


find(srcRegex, srcStr [, caseInsensitive])

Verifies whether the string srcStr or its parts match the regular expression srcRegex.

matches(srcRegex, srcStr [, caseInsensitive])

Verifies whether the string srcStr matches exactly the pattern of the regular expression srcRegex.

substituteAll(srcPattern, srcReplacement, srcStr [, caseInsensitiveFlag])

Replaces all occurrences of srcPattern in string srcStr with srcReplacement.

substituteAll(srcPattern, srcReplacement, srcStr [, caseInsensitiveFlag])

Replaces all occurrences of srcPattern in the string srcStr with srcReplacement, the maximum number of replacements is defined by the parameter srcVolume.

iWay Software