Basic String Functions

The following table lists and describes basic string functions in iWay DQS.

Basic String Function


left(srcStr, count)

Returns a new string that is a substring of srcStr containing count of chars taken from the start of the srcStr.

right(srcStr, count)

Returns a new string that is a substring of srcStr containing count of chars taken from the end of the srcStr.

substr(srcStr, beginIndex), substr(srcStr, beginIndex, strLen)

Returns a new string that is a substring of the string srcStr.

transliterate(srcStr, charsFrom, charsTo)

Transforms characters of the string srcStr.

containsWord(srcStr, srcWord)

Searches for the occurrence of the word srcWord in the string srcStr.

indexOf(srcStr, subStr), indexOf(srcStr, subStr, fromIndex)

Returns the index within the string srcStr of the first occurrence of the specified substring subStr.


Transforms all characters of the string srcStr to lower case.


Transforms all characters of the string srcStr to upper case.


Transforms the first character of each word to upper case and all following characters to lower case.

replicate(srcStr, n)

Returns n copies of the string srcStr concatenated together without any separator.

replace(srcStr, what, withWhat)

Replaces occurrences of the string what with the string withWhat in the string srcStr.

iWay Software