
The server version is displayed. A version consists of the main service level version such as 6.1 and a build number. The number is of interest to iWay Software support. This number is the lowest build number of all iWay jars on the classpath.

Below the main version display is listed any iWay jars in the Java class path that have a build number greater than the main build number or have a build number that cannot be determined. Such jars usually contain upgrade software patches, along with their build number and some build information.

Version 6.1.6: 36971
iwcore.jar          36971   SOCRATES      Wed 11/23/2012 03:42 PM EDT

This display shows that the server version in use is 6.1, and that two changes have been applied. The first is a general upgrade for one components and the second is possibly a special patch made. The exact format of the build information may vary based on the machine name and time of build. Additional information on any of the jars is available through the manifest command.

Use version all to see the versions of all iWay jars without the date filtering.

iWay Software