
The Diagzip command creates a diagnostic .zip file. This file contains information useful to an iWay service when problems are encountered.

To use Diagzip, issue the command:

diagzip <outfile> [<comment>][[-config <name>][-comments<comments>][-overwrite]]

The .zip file is written to the specified output file. To create a diagnostic .zip file for another configuration, use the -config switch, followed by the name of the desired configuration. By default, the diagnostic .zip file is created for the current configuration. if you omit the suffix, the zip suffix will be added.

Use the comments field to explain the reason that the diagnostic .zip file was created. This can be a simple string or the name of a file containing the explanation. If you use a file name, prefix the name with the @ character.

You can use the following switches:




This switch is followed by comments as described in the above sample. Comments can be the second positional parameter or can be denoted by a switch.


This switch is followed by the configuration name.


By default, the command will not overwrite an existing file. You can use this switch to permit the command to overwrite an existing file

iWay Software