Protocol Adapters

Protocol adapters enable e-business applications to integrate over 140 information sources on 35 platforms into the Service Channel Architecture, including all types of relational and non-relational data, transactions, and application packages.

Each adapter comprises a server configured with the appropriate driver for the data source. This masks the complexities of its underlying source, so developers can use industry-standard SQL to work with all types of information. Adapters allow developers join different data sources in real time, with a single request. Also, each adapter is highly optimized for its target, so developers do not require specific knowledge to take full advantage of special features and syntax of unusual data structures, applications, and transactions.

Adapters let you avoid writing custom-coded integration components for enterprise information assets, saving time, money, and effort on the first application. These integration components can also be reused by other e-business applications, saving you even more time in future e-business projects. So you can meet new requirements more quickly than ever before, including:

For more information, see the iWay Service Manager Protocol Guide.

iWay Software