
The XDInsertWSSETimestampAgent is used to generate a WSSE Timestamp.

The following table lists and describes XDInsertWSSETimestampAgent parameters.

Parameter Name


XML Namespace Provider

Provider for the mapping between XML namespace prefix and namespace URI. If left blank, the XPATH expression for the Timestamp Parent Element cannot contain namespaces.

Create Parent Element

Determines whether the parent element is created if it is missing. Select true or false (default) from the drop-down list.

Timestamp Parent Element

Path to the element where the timestamp will be inserted. The default value is:


If the Create Parent Element parameter is set to true, the XPATH expression must be of the form /comp1/comp2/... where each path component has the following form:


The ns: and ns1: namespace prefixes are optional, but if present, they must also be declared in the XML Namespace Provider parameter. The selector in square brackets is optional. If no element with a matching attribute is found, then both the element and the attribute will be created.

WSSE Timestamp Id

The value of the Timestamp ID attribute. Subsequent agents can retrieve this value in the wsse_timestamp_id special register.

Expiration Period

The time period after which the timestamp will expire. If left blank, the timestamp will never expire.

Use the following format:


For example, 1m30s is 90 seconds.

The Created time is always the current time. The Expires Time is the current time plus the given Expiration Period. If the Expiration Period is left blank, the Expires element will not appear and the timestamp will never expire. The location where to insert the timestamp is given by a (restricted) XPATH expression pointing to the parent element. The XPATH expression can contain namespace prefixes if the optional XML Namespace Map Provider is specified. If the parent does not exist, it is created. The optional Timestamp Id will generate a wsu:Id attribute if specified. The Id is saved in the wsse_timestamp_id special register. This can be used to refer to the Timestamp in an XML Digital Signature Reference using the URL expression #SREG(wsse_timestamp_id).

The following example shows a Timestamp inserted at /soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Header/wsse:Security with expiration period 1m30s (90 seconds) and Timestamp Id mytimestampid.

iWay Software