
You can refer to this glossary for definitions and helpful information pertaining to terms presented in this manual. This glossary may also describe terms not used in this manual, but that pertain to iWay in general.


A Java construct that is not part of any formal security infrastructure. This file, distributed with Java, contains trusted public certificates of known Certificate Authorities. There is, however, no formal validity to CACerts, and it use is limited in secure situations. iWay recommends that CACerts not be relied upon as delivered with Java for a secure installation; rather a valid trust store should be constructed. You can use tools to remove unwanted entries and add wanted entries to this file, making it an appropriate for use as a trust store.


An expression in iWay Functional Language that resolves to 'true' or 'false'. A condition is used to select a route for an incoming message. An example of a conditional expression is

_isroot('edi’) or _root() = 'edi'

either of which selects evaluates to 'true' if the root of the current XML document is edi.

Console Command

An statement issued in the shell console or a Telnet management console that displays or sets the state of some aspect of the server.

Certificate Store

Often called a certstore. A database of public key certificates and certificate revocation elements. A revocation item makes the identified certificate unavailable for new use, often this is due to expiration date passage; the certificate is not eliminated from the store because it may be necessary to check that the revocation did not occur during the time in which the certificate was still valid, or that the certificate was not valid at the time of the message.


A service point of an inlet to use a security encryption system. An encryptor renders a message suitable for preparsing.


A tool provided by iWay to define and test processes.


A document holds the message information as it passes through the stages of the Server. A document also carries contextual information to assist in processing the message.

Default Route

The message process route used if no explicit route is selected. Routes are selected by conditional tests associated with the route. A default route has no associated condition.

Dynamic Route

A routing method for a channel that reevaluates the available routes at each step of the message process. The routing can therefore respond to changes in the message and execution environment. This method is in contrast to fixed routing in which a route, once selected, remains in force for the duration of the processing of that message.


The final service point of an outlet. An emitter physically sends the message to the addressed recipient.


A service point of an outlet to use a security encryption system.


IA statement in iWay functional language that resolves to a value. An expression can be used to provide a configuration value or control a process decision or switch. An example of an expression is xpath(/a/b) which extracts the value of the <b> node under the <a> root in the document.

Fixed Route

A route in a channel that once selected remains in force for the duration of the processing of that message.


A component of a channel responsible for receiving messages.

Key Store

A database of key material. Key material is used for a variety of purposes, including authentication and data integrity. There are various types of keystores available, including "PKCS12" and Sun's "JKS." Some keystores can contain both encryption keys and security certificates. Formally, however, a keystore holds the private key for one or more PKI key pairs.


A component of an inlet that receives the message from the sender.


A message is information in the form that it is received from or sent to the outside world.


A component of a channel responsible for emitting messages.


A service point on an outlet to convert messages from document form to transport format for emitting.


A service point of an inlet to convert messages to documents for processing.


A container of authority that contains roles. Principals are created when a user logs into a protocol that supports logons. Information in the principal is available to process flows in the test nodes


A service point in the lifecycle of a document that applies business operations to the document.


A runtime component that offers centralized access to resources such as connections, keystores, namespace maps, etc. Other components access the services of a provider by its assigned name.


A component of a channel responsible for passing documents through the defined processing steps. Routes are selected for execution by evaluation of the conditional expressions associated with the route. By this means routes can be associated with one or more specific classes of documents. Any boolean expression can be used to select the route for execution. The channel's default route has no associated condition,and handles documents not associated with a specific route. Routing decisions are re-evaluated for each document arriving on the channel. Routing for a channel can be fixed in which case once selected for a message the route does not change or dynamic which reevaluates routing decisions as the message progresses through execution.


A component that can examine and optionally change the document. A common use is header analysis. Input reviewers execute immediately following the input parse of the message into XML; output reviewers execute immediately prior to document emitting.


Perform contents-based validation of input documents. Input rules also set and control the acknowledgement agent that reports the results of the validation for formats such as EDI.

Special Register

An element of context information that can be set and used during the lifecycle of a message. Special Registers can hold and set header information for emitters. Special Register values can be used in configuration expressions and process tests via the SREG() function.


A step in the transformer stage that alters the structure of the document being processed. Transforms can be prepared using the iWay Transformer tool.


(1) A step in the process of a document that prepares it for the business process. (2) A tool provided by iWay to define and test message transformations. The transformer tool provides for both XML and non-XML transformations.


A database of key material. Holds the public certificates of trusted partners for message exchange. Although it is possible to share a single file with the keystore, more formally a truststore and a keystore are separate entities.

iWay Software