JCE Reference

The JCE Cryptography polices by default are limited, which does not allow certain encryption algorithms to function properly.

By default, following permissions are installed:

// File: default_local.policy
// Some countries have import limits on crypto strength.
// This policy file is worldwide importable.
grant { permission javax.crypto.CryptoPermission "DES", 64; permission javax.crypto.CryptoPermission "DESede", *; permission javax.crypto.CryptoPermission "RC2", 128, "javax.crypto.spec.RC2ParameterSpec", 128; permission javax.crypto.CryptoPermission "RC4", 128; permission javax.crypto.CryptoPermission "RC5", 128, "javax.crypto.spec.RC5ParameterSpec", *, 12, *; permission javax.crypto.CryptoPermission "RSA", 2048; permission javax.crypto.CryptoPermission *, 128; };

With Unlimited Jurisdiction, all the algorithms are supported:

// File: default_local.policy
// Country-specific policy file for countries with no limits on
// crypto strength.
grant { // There is no restriction to any algorithms. permission javax.crypto.CryptoAllPermission; };
Unlimited Jurisdiction can be applied on installing the JCE policy files from Sun - Java site - with respect to a JRE version.

iWay Software