Plan/Include Naming Conventions

Use the following structure for physical file names

plan usage_entity name_hierarchy name/attributes area name/attribute name


plan usage
Is a prefix that identifies the specific usage (purpose) of the Plan. Valid values are:
entity name
Describes the coverage of entire Plans. The following valid values specify the two main categories:
hierarchy name, area name, attribute name
Shows either the include structure description (for example, MAIN or GLO), or the parts of the entity (for example, NAME, TITLE, or ID). Each is represented by a separate include. The includes are stored as a hierarchy, as shown in the following example.

There may be other prefixes for match and merge Plans and for state flags. There may be separate Plans for the rest of the entities.


The following is an example of a hierarchy for party, without the Plan usage prefix.

_party_MAIN. Only inputs, outputs, and value initialization.

The address Plan hierarchy is based on the same principles:


The structure varies according to project specifics. Structures are not mandatory, but they are recommended as a best practice.

The MAIN Plan name starts with an underscore (_), which moves this file to first place in the file hierarchy and provides you with better orientation in the folder.

iWay Software