Detailed Description of Validate Bank Account Number CZ

This step validates input column data as a bank account number used in the Czech republic (and Slovakia). Numbers in this format consist of three parts: prefix, base and bank ID. The step first trashes characters in the input that cannot occur in the bank number and saves them to the trashed output. Then, it tries to determine the bankId, base and prefix parts of the account number. According to the bank account format specification, the prefix and base must pass the mod11 test to be considered as valid. The step also supports output data formatting as specified by the property outputFormat and configurable invalid data handling as defined in the invalid data handling configuration properties. See the description of each property for more details. If the output is not processed by invalid data handling routines, the output format determines what will be written out:

If the bankIdOut output that has no relevant input:

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Example: Example
<step className="" id="algorithm_2">
  <properties trash="trash" outBankId="bankIdOut" inBankAccount="account" 
              outBankAccount="accountOut" outputFormat="{0PREFIX}-{0BASE}-{BANKID}">
        <invalidDataDefinitionBankAccount outputType="ORIGINAL" defaultValue="" 
        <invalidDataDefinitionBankId outputType="CONSTANT" defaultValue="" 
    <scorer explanationColumn="expl">
        <scoringEntry key="BAN_FORMAT_INVALID" explainAs="BAN_FORMAT_INVALID" 
              score="0" explain="true"/>
        <scoringEntry key="BAN_BASE_FORMAT_INVALID" explainAs="BAN_BASE_FORMAT_INVALID" 
              score="0" explain="true"/>
        <scoringEntry key="BAN_BANKID_FORMAT_INVALID" explainAs="BAN_BANKID_FORMAT_INVALID" 
              score="0" explain="true"/>
        <scoringEntry key="BAN_BASE_MOD_FAILED" explainAs="BAN_BASE_MOD_FAILED" 
              score="0" explain="true"/>
        <scoringEntry key="BAN_PREFIX_FORMAT_INVALID" explainAs="BAN_PREFIX_FORMAT_INVALID" 
              score="0" explain="true"/>
        <scoringEntry key="BAN_PREFIX_MOD_FAILED" explainAs="BAN_PREFIX_MOD_FAILED"
              score="0" explain="true"/>
        <scoringEntry key="BAN_BANKID_UNKNOWN" explainAs="BAN_BANKID_UNKNOWN" 
              score="0" explain="true"/>
        <scoringEntry key="BAN_AMBIGUOUS" explainAs="BAN_AMBIGUOUS" 
              score="0" explain="true"/>
        <scoringEntry key="BAN_BANKID_FIXED" explainAs="BAN_BANKID_FIXED" 
              score="0" explain="true"/>
        <scoringEntry key="BAN_NULL" explainAs="BAN_NULL" 
              score="0" explain="true"/>
              score="0" explain="true"/>

iWay Software