Detailed Description of String Lookup

Searches for the input value (from the property in) in the lookup file defined by the property lookupFileName. If the value is found it is stored in the property out. The search result is reported by the scoring entries MCL_FOUND/MCL_NOT_FOUND. For a description of the lookup file, see StringLookup file.

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Example: Example
<step id='stringLookup' className='cz.adastra.cif.tasks.clean.StringLookupAlgorithm'>
                <scorer scoreColumn='value' explanationColumn='expl'>
                                <scoringEntry key='MCL_NULL' score='100' explain='true' /> -- null input data
                                <scoringEntry key='MCL_FOUND' score='100' explain='true' /> -- value found
                                <scoringEntry key='MCL_NOT_FOUND' score='100' explain='true' /> -- value NOT found

iWay Software