RC Validator Scoring




A scoring flag indicating that the birth number was not filled in in the input.


A scoring flag set in the following situations:

  • incorrect birth number length, i.e. not of length 6, 9 or 10 digits
  • input birth number does not consist just of digits - this case is converted to the previous one and the birth number length is reduced to 0
  • an incorrect value occurred in the input birth number (e.g., day item = 99)
  • date computed from the birth number is earlier than birthNumberSince
  • control sum is not valid and the trailer cannot be repaired
  • length of the birth number does not correspond to the year computed from the birth number (9 digits for year 1953 and earlier, 10 digits for year 1954 and later) and the inaccuracy cannot be repaired


A scoring flag set in the following situations:

  • artificial value in date for birth numbers of length different from 6
  • extended form of birth numbers containing date earlier than 1.4.2004
  • extended form of the date in a birth number of length 9 or 6


A scoring flag indicating that the date in the birth number is artificial, which means that either the day or month is not filled in and the birth number length is only 6 digits (a typical birth number type assigned to foreigners). The flag is set in the following situation:

  • artificial day or month value in a birth number of length 6 (e.g., 0 set for day or 50 set for month).


A scoring flag indicating that the date computed from a birth number does not correspond to the date obtained from the input columnbirthDate.


A scoring flag indicating that the input birth number had contained an incorrect trailer which was repaired.


A scoring flag indicating that the input birth number did not contain any trailer (typical for 6-digit birth numbers).


A scoring flag indicating that the birth number contains an artificial ending that is one of the following: 000, 999, 111, 0000, 9999 or 1111 (or one of the set trailers).


A scoring flag indicating that the output birth number consists of 9 digits. The fact that the value is actually written to output or not does not influence the flag (omission of the birth number output might be caused by other types of errors or by a true value of the omitInvalidBn parameter)


Indicates that gender computed from the input birth number does not correspond to the gender value found in the input gender.


Obsolete flag, kept for the purposes of backward compatibility.


A scoring flag denoting that the gender input value was not filled in.


A scoring flag indicating that input gender value is different both from the maleDefinition and femaleDefinition values.


A scoring flag indicating that input date value is missing.


A scoring flag indicating that the birth number value was not present in the input and therefore could not be generated.


A scoring flag indicating that the birth number was not present in the input and a fake birth number was generated from other entered values instead.


A scoring flag indicating that the input date is older than the specified birthNumberSince value. This situation can happen when the input birth number is of length 9 (and thus is not divisible by 11). See the description of the birthNumberSince parameter for more details about this situation.

iWay Software