Guess Name Surname Scoring




A scoring flag indicating that input "in" contains a NULL value or that no appropriate names were found in the dictionary.


A scoring flag indicating that only appropriate part of the pattern was found for a particular part of the input string. (i.e., the input string conforms to one of the defined parsing patterns but only part of the string was verified using dictionaries).


A scoring flag indicating that more than one pattern that conforms to the input string was found.


A scoring flag indicating that a pattern was found but its components do not conform precisely to the appropriate parts of the input string.


A scoring flag indicating that final pattern was applied according to the hint definition. The name of the hint applied is available in the binding hintName.


A scoring flag indicating that some text wasn't parsed or was parsed by a component having no special output if fullTrashScope is specified. This flag is set even if the binding trash is not defined.

iWay Software