Detailed Description of Get Birth Date From RC

This step extracts a persontm)s birth date and sex from a birth number. Acceptable birth number lengths are 6, 9, or 10 digits after removal of all non-digit characters. Processing of a birth number depends on its length as follows:

If the property "birthDate" is assigned, the computed birth date is compared to the specified "birthDate" value. If those two dates are different then the scoring flag (BD_DATE_MISMATCH) is set. If the computed birth date is in the future (no matter what caused the situation) then 100 years are subtracted from the birth date.

Caution: If the property "birthDate" is present and is different from the computed birth date, then the value stored in the property "birthDate" is saved in the output property "birthDateOut", otherwise the computed birth date is saved in the output property.

The same functionality is provided by a more general step - RC Validator. For an example of the RC Validator configuration sections (in order to work the same way as the Get Birth Date From RC step) see below.

Demonstration of a RC Validator step configuration so that it provides behavior identical to the Get Birth Date From RC step.

Changes of the flag settings for the RC Validator step in comparison with the Get Birth Date From RC step:

In addition, other relevant flags connected to the birth number may be set (see the list of flags for the step RC Validator).

<step id='alg' className='cz.adastra.cif.tasks.clean.RCValidatorAlgorithm'>
                <scorer explanationColumn='expl'>
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_MISSING" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_INVALID" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_DATE_INVALID" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_DATE_ARTIF" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_DATE_MISMATCH" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_TRLR_FIXED" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_TRLR_MISSING" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_TRLR_ARTIF" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_9DIGITS" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_GNDR_MISMATCH" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_GNDR_FROM_HINT" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_GNDR_HINT_MISSING" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_GNDR_HINT_INVALID" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_DATE_HINT_MISSING" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_GENERATED" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_NOT_GENERATED" score="1000" explain="true" />
                                <scoringEntry key="RC_DATE_BEFORE_BN_SINCE" score="1000" explain="true" />

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Example: Example
<step id='alg' className='cz.adastra.cif.tasks.v1.clean.GetBirthDateFromRCAlgorithm'>
        <properties femaleDefinition="Z">
                <scorer explanationColumn='explanation'>
                                <scoringEntry key='BD_DATE_MISMATCH' score='100' explain='true' />
                                <scoringEntry key='BD_INVALID_RC' score='200' explain='true' />
                                <scoringEntry key='BD_NO_BD_NOR_RC' score='400' explain='true' />
                                <scoringEntry key='BD_NO_RC' score='800' explain='true' />

iWay Software