Installing Database Connectivity Drivers

iWay DQC uses the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API for connecting to databases. JDBC drivers are available for most database engines and are distributed as components of the database engine, or separately as connectivity components. The licensing terms do not always allow distribution of these drivers with iWay DQC. Therefore, iWay DQC ships with a basic set of drivers for the most common databases. You may install additional drivers.

The following drivers, which are shipped with iWay DQC, are located in the lib/jdbc subfolder of the iWay DQC core installation.




A JDBC driver for Oracle databases. The distribution contains the 9i and 10g versions of the driver.


An open-source driver for connecting to both Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase server.

You must install each driver (including those shipped with the product) before you can use it. You can install a driver to the core by copying its .jar file to the lib subfolder of the core installation, and using the dialog Window > Preferences > iWay DQC > DB Drivers in the GUI.

iWay Software