Detailed Description of Convert Phone Numbers

Transforms phone numbers from the old Czech numbering system to the new one which was established in September, 2002. Input of the step consists of the area code and the actual phone number. Only strings which do not contain letters are accepted as valid input, special characters are removed. The input file contains the columns 'original area code', 'original phone number' and new 'national number'. Phone numbers (both original and national) end with a letter mask to specify the format of the whole number. The number is therefore given as a prefix and its mask. The length of the mask for particular prefixes and national numbers is given by a renumbering plan. The schema is currently usable only in the Czech Republic, we are not aware of any other country where it might be applicable.

The resulting dictionary is an indexed table with columns containing the prefix of the original number including the leading zero (source prefix), the length of the mask in characters and the prefix of the new national number. The table is indexed by the source prefix.

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Example: Example
<step className="cz.adastra.cif.tasks.clean.ConvertPhoneNumbersAlgorithm" id="alg">
                <scorer explanationColumn="explanation">
                                <scoringEntry explain="true" key="CPN_PN_NULL" score="0"/>
                                <scoringEntry explain="true" key="CPN_PN_UNKNOWN" score="0"/>
                                <scoringEntry explain="true" key="CPN_PN_NONSENSE" score="0"/>
                                <scoringEntry explain="true" key="CPN_AC_NONSENSE" score="0"/>
                                <scoringEntry explain="true" key="CPN_PN_LENGTH" score="0"/>

iWay Software