An invalid HLI command was issued. For example, NXT rather than the NEX command.
Too few arguments have been provided in the HLI command.
The command cannot be executed because the file has not yet been opened (i.e., no OPN command has been issued).
The sink machine requires more virtual storage to operate. Restart the sink machine in a larger region.
The requested Master File Description cannot be found by the sink machine.
The requested Master File Description cannot be found by the sink machine.
No data found in the specified file. The file must first be initialized by the CREATE command even if no data is entered.
An error was encountered in the Master File Description on the sink machine.
An invalid parameter was encountered in an HLI call received by the sink machine (for example, NTEST is less than zero).
The fieldname referenced on a SHO command does not exist in the Master File Description. Check the spelling or the structure of the NAMES array passed into the SHO command.
The file specified in the CLO command is not open. The CLO command has been ignored.
The segment specified as a TARGET or an ANCHOR segment is not found in the Master File Description.
The HLI command passed to the sink is recognized but is not yet supported.
No current position has been established from which to execute the command.
An invalid test relation was passed to the sink machine. Possibly the number of tests was specified incorrectly. Valid test conditions are LT, LE, GT, GE, EQ, NE, CO, and OM.
An attempt was made to change or improperly use a cross reference segment.
An attempt was made to include a second instance of a unique segment for a particular parent instance. The transaction is ignored.
The ANCHOR and TARGET segments specified do not lie on the same path in the file.
An error has occurred in the use of an indexed field, or a field named in an NXD command is not indexed.
On an NXD call, no tests on the target segment were provided.
No parent position has been established for the retrieval of a cross reference segment. The key for the linked segment is not active, and so no retrieval can be performed.
Check the password provided in the FCB.
The command issued is not allowed with the current password. Check the password provided in the FCB.
The segment instance identified by the key values is already in the database. The database has not been changed. (Analogous to FOCURRENT=1 in MODIFY/SU.)
Segment instances obtained with NXK or NXD may not be deleted.
Attempt to change the instance has not been performed, because the instance has been deleted by another user. (Analogous to FOCURRENT=2 in MODIFY/SU.)
An OPN command was issued for an FCB which was already open. Before reusing the FCB, it must be closed.
Too many files are open on the central database machine (limit 50) or too many FCBs are open (limit 256).
Attempt to change the instance has not been performed because it has already been changed by another user. (Analogous to FOCURRENT=3 in MODIFY/SU.)
SU cannot be used with more than 1,500 fields in a FOCUS file, including cross references.
The FOCUS USE command must designate that all of the files used in the COMBINE have the same sink machine. Either they must all be controlled by the same sink or they must all be local files.
The amount of main storage is insufficient for executing the specified command. Define larger storage and re execute the command.
The Master File Description read by the central data base machine is not the same as the one used by the source or local machine.
The central database machine has terminated because of a fatal error.
A communication error has occurred on the central database machine.
The central database machine has not been started or the wrong name has been used for the central database machine.
A communication error has occurred. Check to see that the sink machine is still active and, if not, restart it.
The central data base machine is not active. Check to see if it has been terminated, and restart it.
A fatal error has occurred on the sink machine. Check to see if the sink machine is active and, if not, restart it.
A fatal error has occurred on the sink machine. Check to see if the sink machine is active and, if not, restart it.
Another FOCUS user has input a segment with the same keys as you. Re retrieve the data and try again, or alter your MODIFY case logic to check the value of FOCURRENT and automatically retry.
Another FOCUS user has changed some data in this segment before you. Re retrieve the data and try again, or alter your MODIFY case logic to check the value of FOCURRENT and automatically retry.
Another FOCUS user has just deleted the segment you are trying to update or include. Re retrieve the data and try again, or alter your MODIFY case logic to check the value of FOCURRENT and automatically retry.
Only certain SET commands may be issued in the HLI profile. Either a non SET line was found, or an invalid SET command was issued. Check the member HLIPROF of the FOCEXEC data set on MVS). The erroneous line was ignored.
COMMIT/SU does not support the use of an alternate file view.
The COMMIT/ROLLBACK feature of MODIFY requires Absolute File Integrity in order to run.
A fatal error was encountered while applying the COMMIT to the database.
A fatal error was encountered while attempting to ROLLBACK the database.
In order to run a MODIFY with the COMMIT/ROLLBACK feature, FOCSORT must be used. Check to see if FOCSORT was allocated properly.
A position from which to match on the sink could not be established. Any further database actions are meaningless. Therefore a ROLLBACK is forced.
There is no more room on the sink for another COMMIT user. As a result the user is terminated.
COMMIT functionality on the sink machine has been disabled. Contact your sink machine administrator.
Must specify the READ option on a USE statement when using the AS and ON options.
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