Controlling Report Display

How to:

You can control the columns and subtitles that appear and the number of records that appear in an active report. When you hide a column in an active report, you can still filter and highlight the report based on values in the hidden column. Hide respects all other report functions. For example, if you have a filter or calculation applied to a report and then you hide a column, the calculations and filters remain unchanged.

You can also freeze report columns so you can keep some data stationary while you scroll to the right in the report output.

Procedure: How to Show/Hide Report Columns

Click the arrow in the heading of the column you want to hide and select Hide Column from the menu.

You can restore hidden fields by clicking the arrow in the heading of the column and selecting Show Columns, then Unhide All or a particular field name.

Procedure: How to Show/Hide Subtitles for SubHeadings or SubFootings

Click the arrow in the heading of the column and select Hide Subtitles from the menu.

You can hide subtitles from any sort column in the report. However, when you sort the report with any other column besides the first sort column, subtitles automatically disappear.

You can restore hidden subtitles by clicking the arrow in the heading of the column and selecting Show Subtitles.

The Hide/Show Subtitles option appears when a SubHeading or SubFooting column is available in the report.

Procedure: How to Control the Number of Records

Click the arrow in any column heading and then select Show Records and a value from the pop-out menu.

The report shows the number of records you select. All report information appears in the record status and page navigation bar, which can be moved from the top to the bottom of the report by clicking the pagination icon.


  • The Default option shows the number of records per page that were set by the report developer.
  • If a filter has been applied, the Show all option displays only the filtered records.

Procedure: How to Freeze Report Columns

Select Freeze options from the column pop-up menu.

Note that Freeze options are only available when a report does not fit in the current window. Therefore, if your report fits in the current window, Freeze options are unavailable in the menu. If you resize the report, or a column or row extends beyond the proportion of the window, then Freeze options become activated and are available for use.

Pop-up menus sometimes get cut off when freezing columns, depending on which column is frozen and how wide it is.

Information Builders