FAQ About FOCUS 7.7

This section contains Frequently Asked Questions about the FOCUS 7.7 structure and environment.

Can I use my own JCL or any JCL from prior versions of FOCUS to install FOCUS 7709?

No, using your own JCL of any kind is not supported for installing FOCUS 7.7. You must use the ISETUP procedure supplied with the version of FOCUS you are installing.

Do I have to modify the JCL and CLISTs of my users to point to the HOME.* and CONF.* libraries?

No. If your production library naming convention utilizes a non-release name, such as FOCUS.PROD.FOCLIB.LOAD, then there is no need to change end-user JCL or CLISTs. If your production library naming convention utilizes a release number, such as FOCUS.PROD7709.FOCLIB.LOAD, then you should make an appropriate change to a middle-qualifier, but no change would have to be done for the FOCUS library suffix.

Do I have to install FOCUS into PDSE libraries?

Yes, FOCUS is now distributed in extended format. If you wish to convert the MASTER, FOCEXEC, and other libraries to PDS format, you can. However, all future versions of FOCUS will be delivered as PDSEs, so you may want to consider converting applications to PDSE. Also, if you want to concatenate your own data sets with the distributed libraries, you will need to be careful about the order of concatenation if you do not convert your data sets to PDSEs.

Can I delete any of the alias libraries generated by the ISETUP utility?

While it may be possible to delete an alias you are absolutely sure that no one at your site will ever use, there is no advantage to doing so, as the alias does not use DASD resources. The benefits of leaving the aliases in place far outweigh the risk of deleting an alias someone may need to use. For example, if you delete an alias, but the end-of-quarter or end-of-year processes require that alias library, these jobs will fail.

How do I recreate a deleted alias library?

ISETUP uses standard z/OS alias creation methodology to create the aliases for your site. As part of the installation process, ISETUP creates JCL for recreating all of the aliases created during the installation. This JCL can be found in the member named ALIAS in the install_hlq.CONF.DATA library. Comment out all of the DEFINE statements for the aliases that were not deleted and then run this job to recreate the aliases that were deleted.

The following is a portion of the ALIAS job showing three DEFINE statements:

//JOB card goes here                             
//* ************************************************************        
//*    This jcl is provided to re-create missing dataset alias          
//* ************************************************************        
//ALIAS    EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01                                            
//SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=*                                                  
//SYSTSIN  DD *                                                         
 DEF ALIAS(NAME('install_hlq.ADABAS.DATA') -                        
 DEF ALIAS(NAME('install_hlq.ADABAS.LOAD') -                        
 DEF ALIAS(NAME('install_hlq.DATACOM.DATA') -                       

Can I use a personalized FLICENSE file I obtained for Previous Releases in FOCUS 7709?

No, you must acquire a new license file. To get the valid FLICENSE file, contact the Customer Support Services (CSS) staff. You can either open a case at http://techsupport.informationbuilders.com/iro/newcase.jsp or call them at (800) 736-6130 or (212) 736-6130. Unless you have opted for the premium support level (which provides 24-hour access to customer support representatives), customer support consultants are available Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. EST.

Information Builders