Run the JFSCPLPA JCL to copy the reentrant modules to the FOCUS LPA library, FOCLPA.LOAD:
//JFSCPLPA JOB (USER,ACCOUNT),'PROGRAMMER NAME',REGION=4096K, //* TYPRUN=SCAN, // CLASS=S,MSGCLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=USER //********************************************************************* //* * //* NAME: JFSCPLPA * //* * //* FUNCTION: COPY REENTRANT MODULES FROM FOCLIB.LOAD TO FOCLPA.LOAD.* //* * //* USAGE NOTES: * //* * //* This job will copy the REENTRANT modules from FOCLIB.LOAD to * //* FOCLPA.LOAD. After this step is successfully completed, you * //* must re-fresh the LPA library, using an IPL or another * //* comparable method. Also, following the IPL, it is necessary * //* to scratch the REENTRANT modules from FOCLIB.LOAD to insure * //* that the REENTRANT modules are obtained from the LPA, and * //* not from STEPLIB or JOBLIB. If you wish to obtain greater * //* performance benefits for TSO users and MVS batch jobs, you * //* may perform the optional task of moving the REENTRANT FOCUS * //* modules, from the FOCUS LOAD library, FOCLIB.LOAD, to a * //* special LOAD library, FOCLPA.LOAD, which would be limited to * //* the REENTRANT modules. Please note, however, that this * //* scenario is only applicable to TSO and MVS batch; MSO AND * //* EDA use a different technique to manage the programs; * //* therefore, no benefits would be realized under MSO and EDA. * //* * //* * //* The procedure for performing this task requires the * //* following steps using IBI supplied batch jobs: * //* * //* A - Allocate the special FOCUS LPA library: FOCLPA.LOAD. * //* (EXECUTE JOB JFSALLPA.) * //* *
//* B - Copy the REENTRANT FOCUS modules from FOCLIB.LOAD to * //* FOCLPA.LOAD. (EXECUTE JOB JFSCPLPA.) * //* * //* Review the output of JFSCPLPA. The second step is a FOCUS * //* report that lists the ROOT modules in the newly created * //* FOCLPA LIBRARY. The total amount of LPA storage that the * //* modules require is listed on the report. * //* * //* Verify that all the members are listed with a "Y" in the * //* RENT, REUS, AND EXEC columns. Normally this will be the * //* case. However, applying MAINTENANCE may, in rare * //* circumstances, change the execution characteristics of the * //* module. * //* * //* Delete any module in FOCLPA that does not have a "Y" in * //* all THREE of these attributes. * //* * //* Also update the members JFSDLCN1 and JFSCPCN1 to remove * //* the references to those modules as well. This will * //* ensure that the MAINTENANCE procedure below will work * //* correctly. * //* * //* C - Install FOCLPA.LOAD into MVS as an LPA library. * //* * //* D - Delete the REENTRANT FOCUS modules from FOCLIB.LOAD. * //* (EXECUTE JOB JFSDELPA.) * //* * //* * //* Due care must be taken to ensure that any MAINTENANCE, such * //* as a PTF, is properly applied to the REENTRANT modules. The * //* procedure for performing MAINTENANCE is as follows, using * //* IBI supplied batch jobs: * //* * //* A - Copy all the REENTRANT modules back into FOCLIB.LOAD * //* from FOCLPA.LOAD. (USE JOB JFSCPBCK. It is recommended * //* that you compress FOCLIB.LOAD before you perform the copy.) * //* * //* B - Apply the MAINTENANCE (PTFS). * //* * //* C - Copy the REENTRANT modules from FOCLIB.LOAD back into * //* FOCLPA.LOAD. (REPEAT JOB JFSCPLPA. It is recommended that * //* you compress FOCLPA.LOAD before you perform the copy.) * //* * //* D - Delete the REENTRANT modules from FOCLIB.LOAD. * //* (REPEAT JOB JFSDELPA). * //* * //* *
//* INSTRUCTIONS: * //* * //* 1 - Update the JOB CARD with valid site specific values. * //* * //* 2 - All copy control statements are in the member JFSCPCN1. * //* This member is allocated to the SYSIN DD contained herein. * //* Review the statements in member JFSCPCN1 to verify that the * //* copy for CORFOC is consistent with your current installation * //* of FOCUS, ie: Has the CORFOC module name been changed? Call * //* IBI TECHNICAL SUPPORT for assistance if necessary at * //* 212-736-4433. Make appropriate adjustments as needed. * //* * //* 3 - PREFIX attribute must be changed to the High Level Qualifiers* //* used for FOCUS-PROGRAM datasets. Adjust the JCL as needed. * //* * //* * //********************************************************************* //JFSCPLPA PROC PREFIX='XXXXXXXX' //* //COPY2LPA EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) //SYSUT4 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) //INLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PREFIX..FOCLIB.LOAD //OUTLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PREFIX..FOCLPA.LOAD //SYSIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PREFIX..FOCCTL.DATA(JFSCPCN1) //LISTLPA EXEC PGM=FOCUS //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PREFIX..FOCLIB.LOAD //ERRORS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PREFIX..ERRORS.DATA //FOCEXEC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PREFIX..FOCCTL.DATA //MASTER DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PREFIX..MASTER.DATA //FOCMAP DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PREFIX..FOCLPA.LOAD //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //JFSCPLPA PEND //LISTLPA EXEC JFSCPLPA //LISTLPA.SYSIN DD * TABLE FILE FOCMAP HEADING CENTER "<DSN" " " " SIZE AND LKED ATTRIBUTES OF LPA ROOT MEMBERS " " ALIAS NAMES ARE NOT LISTED " " " SUM ISIZE AS 'LPA SIZE' WHERE ALIAS NE 'Y' PRINT ALIAS RENT REUS EXEC ISIZE AS 'SIZE,DEC' BY TTR BY MEMBER ON TABLE COLUMN-TOTAL END FIN /*
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