Run the SUBSYSNM zap to change the default Subsystem name:
//*** Your JOB card //* //*------------------------------------------------------------------* //* * //* This zap may be applied to change the default subsystem name * //* used by the IBI Subsystem. * //* * //* If you have defined the IBI Subsystem in SYS1.PARMLIB(IEFSSNxx), * //* be sure to update the definition with the new subsystem name. * //* * //* As this job updates one of the members copied by SUBSYSCP, * //* SUBSYSCP must be run after this JOB. * //* * //* Affected products: * //* SU, MSO, SmartMode, HiperFOCUS, IMS BMP * //* * //*------------------------------------------------------------------* //* //ZAP EXEC PGM=AMASPZAP //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=prefix.FOCLIB.LOAD //SYSIN DD * NAME MVSDLL SUBSYSN REP 00 C9C2C9E2 <-- 'IBIS' NAME SUBSYSI SUBSYSN REP 00 C9C2C9E2 <-- 'IBIS' /* //
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