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This manual describes how to use the FOCUS® Adapters for DB2®, Teradata®, Oracle®, and CA-IDMS™. It applies to FOCUS Version 7.7 and to all RDBMS releases, except where noted. References to z/OS™ also apply to MVS® and OS/390. You should use this manual in conjunction with the FOCUS for Mainframe Documentation Set.
With one or more of the FOCUS relational adapters installed, you can use FOCUS to update, analyze, and report from data stored in tables and views of the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).
To use the adapter effectively, you must be familiar with basic FOCUS reporting and database maintenance procedures. You must also have access to relational table information, including the data within the tables and views themselves, and descriptive information about them (table names, column names, and data types). Check with your RDBMS database administrator
This manual includes the following chapters:
Chapter/Appendix | Contents | |
1 | Describes how the adapters function and how to use them. | |
2 | Explains how to invoke the adapters with sample CLISTs and JCL. | |
3 | Describes how to connect to relational data sources and discusses security. | |
4 | Describes single-table Master and Access Files. | |
5 | Describes multi-table Master and Access Files. | |
6 | Describes the AUTODB2 and AUTODBC facilities that generate Master and Access Files for existing RDBMS tables, and the FOCUS CREATE FILE command that creates RDBMS tables given a Master and Access File. | |
7 | Discusses how the adapters pass certain data manipulation operations to the RDBMS for processing. It also describes the FOCUS EXPLAIN Utility. | |
8 | Describes advanced reporting topics such as the TABLEF command, the HOLD command, and the JOIN command. | |
9 | Describes how to issue adapter and SQL commands using the Direct SQL Passthru facility and how to include parameter markers in Direct SQL Passthru commands. | |
10 | Describes commands for connecting to and disconnecting from the RDBMS, automatically issuing COMMIT WORK commands, and opening and closing DB2 threads. | |
11 | Lists environmental commands that display and change the parameters that govern your FOCUS session and the Dialogue Manager variables that store the values of those parameters. | |
12 | Describes table maintenance, RDBMS-managed integrity and concurrency, FOCUS-managed integrity and concurrency, and error handling within a maintenance procedure. | |
13 | Describes how to compile and run procedures that contain SQL statements. | |
A | Describes problem-solving aids (such as the RDBMS return code), stored procedure support, standard FOCUS and adapter differences, long field name considerations, default DATE considerations, and remote segment descriptions. Also contains topics specific to individual adapters. | |
B | Lists common SQL return codes and describes how to access adapter messages. | |
C | Contains Master and Access Files for the examples included throughout the manual. | |
D | Discusses adapter trace facilities. |
The following table describes the documentation conventions that are used in this manual.
Convention |
Description |
THIS TYPEFACE or this typeface |
Denotes syntax that you must enter exactly as shown. |
this typeface
Represents a placeholder (or variable) in syntax for a value that you or the system must supply. |
Indicates a default setting. |
this typeface |
Represents a placeholder (or variable), a cross-reference, or an important term. It may also indicate a button, menu item, or dialog box option that you can click or select. |
Key + Key |
Indicates keys that you must press simultaneously. |
{ } |
Indicates two or three choices. Type one of them, not the braces. |
[ ] |
Indicates a group of optional parameters. None are required, but you may select one of them. Type only the parameter in the brackets, not the brackets. |
| |
Separates mutually exclusive choices in syntax. Type one of them, not the symbol. |
... |
Indicates that you can enter a parameter multiple times. Type only the parameter, not the ellipsis (...). |
. . . |
Indicates that there are (or could be) intervening or additional commands. |
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The following summarizes standard terminology used throughout this manual:
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